Jessica Schiefauer winner of Stora Ljudbokspriset 2017!

Last night, Jessica Schiefauer was awarded Stora Ljudbokspriset 2017 for her amazing YA novel Pojkarna. The jury’s motivation in the YA category was as follows:

“The winner of this year’s Stora Ljudbokspris in the YA category goes to a book in which the author takes us listeners on a hike in a unique environment unlike any other. With a captivating language we’re taken into a world embedded in a dreamlike sheen with a dark undertone. The author has succeeded in writing a hybrid between fantasy and reality. There, the young characters goes against society’s conventions and allows listeners to reflect on stereotypical and gender-specific approaches.

The reading seems credible to us listeners, with an ear pleasing rhythm – perhaps because it is the author herself who is reading it to us.”

Stora Ljudbokspriset is arranged by Storytel and Synskadades Riksförbund.