Elin Grelsson

The Ole and Ann-Marie Söderströms award is given to an an author of high literary merit, and this year the recipient is Elin Grelsson.
Most recently she published her third novel, Nothing Will Grow Over Me, was released earlier this spring which have also received praise from readers and critics alike.

In almost 300 suspenseful pages Elin Grelsson keeps us through subtle portrayals of a brutal job market, a disastrous housing market, a godforsaken hometown, an unreliable circle of friends and lousy confidence.  


… I […] have a soft spot for Jenny as well as the coolness in Grelsson’s safe prose in present tense and third-person singular. A prose that might not seem that remarkable, but still encloses what it wants to portray with a very precise kind of tenderness.   


“Nothing Will Grow Over Me” is a book about not finding home, to lose contexts and to be completely lost while everyone around is certain of their place in the world. The text runs smoothly; there are short chapters that encourage you to continue reading. Jenny is easy to identify with and the glitch between those who are fascinated by the working class and those who live in it is described in a very skilled way. A well written novel that sticks with the reader.