By Marie Hermanson

Alone once more after a collapsed long-term relationship with a married man, she heads off to Borneo. The trip gives her a break from the everyday grind and a rare opportunity to reflect on her childhood and her life. However, once she returns to Sweden, everything changes: Suddenly she feels a weak twitch in a thigh muscle, lasting only a few seconds – but a pain unlike any she has ever experienced before, a completely new and foreign feeling. After a consultation with an eccentric specialist in tropical diseases, the truth is revealed: She has become host to another creature…

First published by Albert Bonniers Förlag, Sweden 1995
200 pages

Nominated for the August Prize 1995

Denmark, Hekla and Borgen
Germany, Suhrkamp
Egypt, Sphinx
Sweden, Bookmark
Sweden, Albert Bonniers Förlag

Sweden, Teater Pero (theatre rights)

