By Jessica Schiefauer

IN A TIME of transition between medieval fears of the devil and rational science, Jessica Schiefauer takes the reader on an adventurous journey through Europe in this 17th-century road novel. We follow a thinker who questioned everything—even when it was punishable by death—driven by the conviction that everything can be examined and controlled. With one exception: emotions and the daughter he unexpectedly brings into the world. In a voracious pursuit of knowledge about the connection between body and soul and the mechanical human, he has experiences and meets people who repeatedly propel his thoughts in new directions. By the end of the journey, when he summarizes his work, the question remains where his striving has led him and at what cost.

AUGUST-PRIZE WINNING Jessica Schiefauer writes with historical authenticity and vibrant playfulness, in a sensuous prose that at times takes the reader’s breath away.

To be published by Romanus & Selling, 2024

Sweden, Romanus & Selling

The narrator’s emotions are portrayed through his relationship to his daughter – the scientist is also just a parent with irrational feelings. Known historical figures have been woven into the story. The language is prosaic and easy to read, the story is opulent and imaginative. Schiefauer has written a page turner and an entertaining read. Simply put a very good book.

– BTJ, Sweden

