JESPER BUGGE KOLD WAS born in 1972 and made his debut with Vintermænd, released by Turbine in 2014. He grew up in Rødovre and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Royal School of Library and Information Science at the University of Copenhagen and a master’s degree from the IT University of Copenhagen. All of Jesper Bugge Kold’s books are based on thorough research, including visits to Stasi archives and a refugee camp in Lebanon. In 2014, he received the BogForum Debutant Prize.

MICH VRAA IS a critically acclaimed author, journalist, and fiction translator. He graduated from the Danish School of Media and Journalism in 1979 and debuted with the thriller Papegøjejagt (Parrot Hunt) in 1982. From 2016 to 2018, Vraa gained significant recognition for his novel trilogy about the Danish West Indies. His early work primarily revolved around his love for the crime genre. After 16 years as a journalist, Vraa quit to dedicate himself full-time to writing and translating. He received the Danish Translators Association’s Honorary Prize in 2014 and was nominated for Danish Radio’s Romanprisen in 2017.

