The narrator in Niklas Rådström’s Kinsman of the Moon is Lorenzo Da Ponte: a librettist of Mozart’s three most famous operas, born Jew, ordained Catholic priest, a married father-of-six, a poet, gambler and adventurer, a friend of Giacomo Casanova’s, a royal court writer in Vienna, a theatre owner and printer in London, a grocer and winemaker in Philadelphia and the first professor of Italian at the university in New York.

Niklas Rådström’s novel – his first in nearly a decade – is the story of an incredibly rich fate where Mozart plays a central part, but also a meditation on music, love, creativity and the choices we make in our lives.
Kinsman of the Moon is a magnificent return to the novel by one of our most celebrated fictional storytellers.

First published by Albert Bonniers Förlag, Sweden, 2010.
352 pages.

Germany, Osburg Verlag

“Månens anförvant” is a huge project about a fantastic world where beauty is as present as righteousness is absent. It is one of the best music accounts I have ever read.
Niklas Rådström’s return to the novel is completely entangling as a reading experience. It takes all one’s emotions as a pledge and refuses to hand them back until it has said its very last word.
Jan-Olov Nyström, Södermanlands Nyheter

His sentences are arabesques, they meander melodically and rhythmically, and even though they are often of some considerable length one never loses one’s way, and not rarely does one land in a deepened metaphor that also make a few finishing coils around the pillars of the sentence.
Jan Erik Bornlind, Kristianstadsbladet

Rådström has clearly chosen his topic with the purpose to entertain both himself and others and the imagination and the narrative joy can be found in every phrase.
Johan Dahlbäck, Göteborgs-Posten

More than anything, “Månens anförvant” is a completely superb novel from a technical point of view. It could be used as a manual in novel construction, and will probably inspire its own narrative essay in due time.
Michel Ekman, Svenska Dagbladet

The mild underlying humour and the skilful staging are the biggest assets in Niklas Rådström’s story.
Jan A Johansson, Norra Skåne

