HURTIG WAGRELL IS the married couple Johan and Johanna Hurtig Wagrell.
JOHANNA HOSTS SWEDEN’S largest true crime podcast, “Vad blir det för mord?/What’s for murder?”. She also hosts the comedy podcast “Kafferepet/Tea Time“. Johanna is a comedian, actress, and scriptwriter, and she has been involved in numerous TV productions such as SVT’s major stand up show, the humor show “Svenska nyheter/The Swedish News” and the comedy show “Parlamentet/The Parliament” (TV4).
JOHAN IS A comedian, actor, and scriptwriter who also writes a blog on As a writer, he has worked for publications including Café Magazine, Aftonbladet, and Metro over the past 10 years. As an actor, he has appeared in shows like “Sommaren med släkten/Summer with relatives” and “Helt perfekt/Just Perfect” (Discovery), and as a scriptwriter, he has written for the comedy series “Nu kommer Malin/Here Comes Malin” (TV3).
THE COUPLE CURRENTLY lives in Stockholm. Their debut novel FRONT was published by Bokfabriken in April 2024.