BORN IN 1969 outside Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden, Fredrik T Olsson left a career as a graphic designer during the early nineties, instead moving to Stockholm to become an actor. However, already an avid writer of stage plays and sketch material, he soon found his stage appearances quickly taking the backseat to his writing.

FOR MORE THAN twenty years, Fredrik T Olsson has been a screenwriter for film and television, working in genres from sitcom to thriller and with exports such as Johan Falk, Jordskott and the television series about Maria Wern.

HE ALSO MOONLIGHTS as a director and a standup comedian, and still hasn’t quite let go of the belief that he will become an actor when he grows up.

OLSSON’S FIRST NOVEL Chain of Events was published in 2014, and has sold to over 25 countries. He has since published his second novel, Acts of Vanishing. He lives in Stockholm, dividing his time between writing screenplays and books.

