KIRSTEN HAMMANN MADE her debut alongside a generation of experimental writers and poets in the 1990s and soon became a household name in Denmark. Her debut Between the Teeth secured her The Klaus Rifbjergs Debut Award for lyricists.

EARLY ON, HAMMANN discovered her own unique style of writing by creating stories in which our innermost secret emotions become real. In her novel Bannister for example, if your heart breaks the whole universe explodes. Or, as in her most recent novel, The Georg-complex, the main character’s jealousy takes over his entire world. Georg is not only feeling jealous, he is in fact acting on his very base and corrosive emotions. This is the author’s elegant way of forcing her readers to confront the feelings we seldom talk about, but all suffer from and easily recognize in others.

HER FIRST NOVEL, Vera Winkelvir, came out in 1993 and was later followed by Bannister in 1997. In 2004 her novel From My Own Little El Dorado was shortlisted for The Nordic Council’s Literature Prize. The author has since written several critically acclaimed novels and even made a foray into children’s fiction. In September 2022 Hammann published her latest novel The Georg-complex for which she was nominated to Weekendavisen’s Literature Prize as well as the The Nordic Council’s Literature Award.

