Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam eros euismod mi porttitor, a facilisis orci consectetur. Curabitur suscipit massa quis odio pretium, non molestie ante ultricies. Curabitur auctor nibh diam, sit amet varius velit luctus sed. Nam id lobortis enim. Praesent eget scelerisque est. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed leo ligula, sollicitudin vitae fermentum eu, ultrices ut sapien. Ut eleifend laoreet luctus. Pellentesque laoreet turpis eu rhoncus tristique. Vivamus elit elit, mollis ac lacus at, placerat tempor neque. Vivamus purus metus, bibendum a semper vel, sollicitudin sit amet metus. Aliquam rhoncus nulla sapien, et vulputate enim volutpat vel. Morbi lacinia egestas risus.

First published by Wahlström & Widstrand, Sweden, 2010.
395 pages

Czech Republic, Vikend
Denmark, Rosinante
Germany, Btb
Italy, Piemme
The Netherlands, Prometheus
Norway, Gyldendal
Poland, Rebis
Romania, Editura Trei
Spain, Ediciones B
USA, Free Press (Simon & Schuster)
UK, Simon & Schuster

A wonderful book by Swedish sisters Camilla Grebe and Åsa Träff.
“More Bitter than Death” is in parts so suspenseful that chills ran down this reviewers back. Grebe and Träff have written a book with drive and vitality, where layer upon layer is removed, right up to the very last page. Not to be ready back to front!
Guri Hjeltnes, VG

What is so striking about Grebe and Träff is their stable progress. Not only do they concoct a sound story, entrancing and hair-raising in its snapshots of the terror regime some husbands apply at home. They can actually write too! Having literary ambitions, usually successfully executed.
Anette Dina Sørensen, Politiken

“Bittrare än döden” tells a frightening story about domestic violence, it’s skilfully plotted and offers many surprising twists. I read it in one sitting and with pleasure.
Gunilla Wedding, Laholms Tidning

These authors write with empathy and sharp precision.
Marie Louise Toksvig, Ekstra Bladet

This is a very entertaining psychological crime novel that in a highly dramatic way almost ends well. […] “More Bitter than Death” is a well-written alternative to other Nordic crime novels on the market.
Marianne Träff, Literatursiden.dk

