By Mikaela Bley

ON A COLD  and rainy Friday in May, 8-year-old Lycke disappears without a trace from the Royal Tennis Centre in Stockholm. Channel 4, with offices located around the corner a, wants to be the first with the news – or even create them – and crime reporter Ellen Tamm is assigned to follow the case. 

ELLEN BECOMES OBSESSED with the search for Lycke, which seems increasingly hopeless as time goes on. Frustrated by corrupt police officers, the strange behaviour of her divorced parents, and the bickering of her colleagues, she tries to control her emotions and handle the situation professionally. But the case reminds her too much of a similar incident, one much closer to home, and she is drawn into a tangle of family secrets, lies and betrayals that force her to confront her own past.

THE SUSPENSE NOVEL Lycke is the first book in the series about the headstrong journalist Ellen Tamm.

First published by Wahlström & Widstrand, Sweden 2015

Denmark, People’s 
Finland Tammi
Germany Ullstein
Italy Newton Compton
Norway Cappelen Damm
The Netherlands AW Bruna
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Sweden Wahlström & Widstrand


