By Marie Hermanson

In order to bring a little excitement back into her life, the successful but bored organisational consultant Yvonne Gärstrand starts to wander around an unknown neighbourhood, fantasising about its inhabitants. One house intrigues her more than the rest, and when she learns that the couple who lives there – the Ekbergs – are advertising for a housekeeper, she applies for the job and gets it. Her little game grows increasingly serious when she notices that all is not as it seems in the Ekberg house. Yvonne is drawn further into Bernhard Ekberg’s life and into a web of dark secrets, where it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish who is the victim and who is the culprit, who is pulling the strings and who is a parasite, feeding on other people’s lives.

Hembiträdet (The Housekeeper) has been recognised as one of the top ten bestsellers on the mass-market paperback list, where it held its spot for three months in a row.

First published by Albert Bonniers Forlag, Sweden, 2004
263 pages

The Czech Republic, Metafora
Germany, Suhrkamp
Hungary, Ergo-Med Gyöngyös
Russia, Centrpolygraph
Sweden, Albert Bonniers Förlag
Sweden, Elib AB

