Stig Larsson praises author Anna Karolina – Successful newcomers


“Well, it would take a lot before I consider voting Feministic Initiative. But that is exactly what happens as I read Anna Karolina’s STÖLD AV BABIAN (STOLEN BABOON)

But you have my word that this is not only good. This is a breakthrough that can only be compared to Jens Lapidus’ ”Snabba cash”. […] What Anna Karolina adds is the police work. Next to Leif GW Persson I have never encountered such a solid depiction of the police procedural. And the most essential of all. The level of suspense. It’s almost grueling. I ditch meetings, I forget to shower, I read the book while I eat my lunch.

Enough said. Buy the book! Read it! Enjoy.”…/bokrecension…/article20313954.ab
